The cigar-making and falconry walking tour in Valkenswaard.
In the past Valkenswaard experienced two major historical developments : falconry from the 15th to the
19th century and the tobacco industry in the 19th and 20th centuries. Both aspects are visualized in the
Falconry and Cigar-making Museum. To complement what the visitor can see in the museum the walking tour
enables you to get acquainted with the history of Valkenswaard as it is still visible outside the
museum. Through the cigar and falconry walking tour interested people can traverse present-day
Valkenswaard on foot along objects that are still visible in the streets of Valkenswaard today and that
recall both historical aspects that have put their stamps, all in their own way, on the Valkenswaard of
today and in the past.
The walking tour is described in detail in a 24-page full colour brochure which is on sale for €1,-- in the Falconry and Cigar-makers Museum, at the tourist office, at the Priem bookstore and at the Plus supermarket in Dommelen.